Lavylites was my last sheet anchor

The story of Ines S. posted in our closed Facebook group where users from all over the world, mainly from Europe and UAE, share their experiences.


Hello my dears, ...

I know Lavylites since December 2016 and have had great experiences.

I had my third burnout in May 2015. According to conventional medicine I was completely healthy in November 2016. But I was still tired and had indefinable pain.

I took high-quality nutrients for three years, drunk clean, filtered water, had a hormone therapy and then I've been at mit wit's end.

Hospitalization, rehab - the full range but everything brought only moderate success.


As a last sheet anchor I wanted to try Lavylites, since I had now invested the amount of a small car in my health, Lavylites should really be the last thing I wanted to try before I would give up.

Now I'm glad that I provided myself this opportunity.

After one week my fatigue was gone and after two weeks the pain. My lymph node swelling disappeared, which I had for years. My strong tensions are getting less and less. I have beautiful hair and I look 10 years younger. Feel in my midst, fit, vital, pure and beautiful.

I can sleep again, which is a huge step forward for me.


Recently I had a blockage in the lower back again, I could not straighten up at all. After half an hour, this was possible again and completely dissolved within three days. Sensational.


Now I'm convinced and mega happy and I'm sure not to get any more depression.

I'm just mega enthusiastic about the Lavylites creations and spread the word out into the world, because I think this is not telling would be failure to render assistance. Just kidding.


I have always tried to get well naturally and stay natural. My goal has always been to grow up healthy. And now I have found a way.

For that I am infinitely grateful and can not do otherwise but to talk about it.


Further info: or www.facebook/groups/lavylitesme