There are enthusiastic testimonials about the lotion. Anyone who is part of the Lavylites community can already benefit from unique innovations that will lead to major breakthroughs in the decades to come - when Lavylites will have reached every corner of the globe. Lavylites has already experienced in the first years within short time a yield increase, how it was not typical even for a company of the order of Microsoft. Much has been written about the scientific background of Lavylites. The research laboratory founded by Tibor Jakabovics conducts biochemical, medical-biological and biotechnological research. You can read the history of the company here.
Lavylites doesn't advertise because they rely on the best evidence: The testimonials of impressed users. We've gathered here some of the thousands of reports that customers have posted to Facebook, Telegram- and Whatsapp groups. In addition there are many personal experiences. Ask the person who recommended Lavylites to you.
One more remark. Lavylites is cosmetics and not medicine. However, users have noticed impressive positive "side effects" that have led to this rapid spread of Lavylites. They have understood: Each body is individual. That's why every body reacts differently fast. Mostly surprising. But always positive.
Experience with Lavyl BODY
The name BODY leads something astray, because it is not just a body lotion. The effects are much more far-reaching.
Margrit St.: One of my favourite products. I use it for the whole body, for the face, for the hair as a conditioner, for brushing my teeth, for reddening/injury/sprain/pain, for taking it in case of stomach problems etc., of course together with the sprays and the ExyolSC.
Astrid R.: For my hair as conditioner, for horse wounds, as face cream and cream in general.
Jürgen J.: Lavyl CLEAN for wet shaving and of course Lavyl BODY instead of aftershave.
Beate W.: Lavyl BODY mixed with ExyolSC at the beginning as facial cream. With it I have magically removed my age spots on both cheeks by the way.
Sabine K.: Externally, as well as internally, also with my dogs. No matter, whether stomach upset, or injuries. Actually you have to ask what Lavyl BODY is not suitable for.
Edith F.: For my whole body including feet and hair, since a long time.
Cordula S.: Rather ask for what not. I love to take it when I've eaten something wrong. A drop in a glass of water. A stomach ache gone.
Jutta G.: I used to need day cream, night cream, hand cream, foot cream, body lotion, top cream for the hair, sometimes also neck and décolleté cream. Now I enjoy to have to buy only one product and to let people wonder that I look younger and younger.
Iris M.: As conditioner for the hair and as shaving foam.
Evelyn Z.: For neurodermatitis.
Renate F.: BODY helps very well against calf cramps, sunburn, sore muscles.
Carmen B.: My granddaughter was treated with Lavyl BODY and Lavyl Sensitive Spray for three months, since then she has no more neurodermatitis. She was four years old at the time. Today, at the age of 9, she always takes BODY after showering and as sun cream. Her little siblings were also creamed with BODY from birth.
Gabriela W.: I don't need sun cream anymore since I use BODY regularly. Mixed with a few drops of ExyolSC I get my hair into shape.
Natalie M.: I use it daily in combination with the Sensitive Spray for facial care. Perfect for my formerly irritated skin. I am happy with it.
Margrit K.: I use the BODY as sun cream, face cream, for dry skin. After washing my hair I first use Lavyl Sensitive and then Lavyl BODY. BODY also for brushing teeth and so on. As a sun cream you should have used the body lotion a little longer, otherwise you will get a sunburn, but then it is no problem: spray LavylSensitive and cream BODY. I have a very pale skin and I got a tan for the first time.
Christina V. I've been taking BODY daily for four years. My skin has become finer and softer again. Before it was leathery and also an old skin. I am 78 years old.
Brigitte Z.: I got rid of my acne in my face with body lotion! In case of stomach upset or abdominal pain just add something to the water, mix and drink. Has always helped up to now!
User experiences on WhatsApp about the allegedly incurable acne rosacea. We also have hundreds of our own experiences in the team on neurodermatitis and psoriasis.
"I take body lotion together with stem cell serum ExyolSC and spray with Lavyl 32 and drink it alternately with Lavyl Sensitive. I take Heavyl Impuls as a drinking cure and very importantly Heavyl 3.1 my attacks become fewer and less intense. I spray already 9 months but that can take a while.... Patience.
For acne Lavyl Clean for cleansing, as a spray I use Auricum, afterwards Lavyl Bodylotion mixed with ExyolSC.
I have been with Lavylites for 3 years now and the skin is becoming more and more stable. Even under stress situations nothing gets through. Just grateful!
Acne - improvement immediately and after 3 months free of it. But after 6 months there was another relapse. I had taken Solvyl with me at that time. I then went back to Lavyl Body and Solvyl Body only now and then."
It is used in many countries by doctors, veterinarians, dentists, alternative practitioners, beauty salons and of course by 300,000 customers. With measurable and often amazing results. Lavylites is and remains cosmetics.
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