How to ship Lavylites to UAE

As long UAE is “not opened by Lavylites” (no warehouse inside UAE) the manufacturer don't deliver to UAE. Nevertheless you can enjoy the creations here. In general you can order the creations only online* after one set up an account with Lavylites (similar to Amazon) for free. It's literally simple.

You need more info?

There are no sales agents who knock on your door but groups of users happy to inform you and share their experiences with you.

Many expats bring the products along when coming back from Europe. But other customers are using Aramex for example. That's what they say...


Option 1 - Register with MAILBOXDEIt’s for free. Now you have a German delivery address and you can register yourself* on LAVYLITES Webshop with this address. Lavylites delivers to MAILBOXDE's center in Germany and MAILBOXDE forwards your parcels to you in UAE. It's easy like asking a friend in Germany to receive and forward the parcels for you. No, it's easier because MAILBOXDE forwards asap and profesionally.

How much does it cost? Calculate here.

An example: A box 23 x 16 x 5 (for 2 -3 150 ml sprays a 200 gr.), that means < 1kg is 9,95€ net.

Option 2 - Register with “Shop and Ship”. It’s an Aramaex company with an office in Germany. The registration procedure is the same as in the option above. To get an membership for free ask us for a code. The parcel arrives in approx. 6 - 7 days after placing the order. Aramex set up a nice new office for pick up on Airport Road in Dubai. Many users pick up the parcels there in order to avoid 

For some bigger packages like Business Packs we recommend different ways.


You will certainly understand that we (we are not the company but users like you) cannot answer all individual questions in writing. Therefore, we have every week our open user meetings like the coffee mornings or evening in Dubai or in RAK . You are always welcome.

Time Table hereOur meetings are no sales meetings but casual meetings to exchange experiences.


*If you don’t have an ID to register with on let us know. We’ll send you one of a user who you can contact and who can support you.